Welcome to a good night’s sleep

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I know you’re tired……..

Being a parent or a caregiver is exhausting, trust me I know. Nothing enhances that exhaustion like not getting adequate sleep. You’re nervous about sleep training? You have questions about attachment and scientific research? You simply don’t even know where to begin? Book a free 15 minute discovery call. We’ll get to know each other and start the process of giving your family the sleep they deserve.

Take it from them…..

  • Kristen

    “Brittany and I both have children the same age. She has always been a wealth of knowledge regarding schedules at every phase along our journey together as moms. She is extremely understanding, willing to help, and positive with her pointers to help steer you in the right direction for the sleep schedule that is best for your family. She has always been calm and patient as a mom, and I know that a big part of staying so lovingly consistent is a result of her family getting the proper sleep that they need. She knows how to meet you where you are and shed some light on how to get more rest for the benefit of all. She is very easy to work with and will be very professional in her guidance.”

  • Kelsey

    “Being a mom of two under two meant I needed to prioritize sleep not just for my children but for myself as well. My oldest was 2 and we were already struggling with him waking up once in the middle of the night but our biggest issues was our 10 month old and her night feedings every two hours. After talking with Brittany about my daughter’s nightly schedule we decided to cut out some night feeds to allow more sleep. Brittany took her time to understand our concerns and our parenting style before making two different plans for us to choose from. She gave us plenty of knowledge to feel confident in our decision and made this transition as easy as possible. Not only did Brittany help with a plan of action she also gave great pointers and advice on how to continue the plan even when going through teething and developmental growth. I’m proud to say with all of her help I now have two amazing sleepers and for that I will always be grateful.”

  • Josie

    “I have looked into 3 different sleep consultants, including the popular online courses. None of them have been as detailed and helpful as Brittany. She has helped me through regressions, teething, and transitioning from co-sleeping to a crib in the nursery. Besides the gift of sleep she’s given both myself and my baby, she has also given us confidence. I know when my baby needs me, And I know that if something is working for me and my baby, it doesn’t matter what popular opinion says I should be doing, what matters is that my family is safe, happy, (and yes!) well-rested.”
